Founded in 2005, the Institute’s membership rolls read like a “Who’s Who” in the field of innovation research.
Founding members included Griggs Zollinger and M.K. Weber. Institute members have received Nobel prizes, appointments to the National Academy of Sciences, and many other prestigious honors. DRI members have broken ground in research and practice, and continue to serve as trailblazers across the world.
Diffusion Research Institute is now available online
Diffusion Research Institute (DRI) was launched back in 2005 as a way for experts in innovation-adoption to learn from each other and develop new models and frameworks. Since our founding we have only offered in-person meetings and our resources were only accessible on-site in San Francisco.
At the time DRI’s office location was a center of innovation, but over the years technology has evolved, new online platforms have emerged, and the way members interact, share, and receive information has dramatically changed.
To better meet the changing needs of innovation professionals and to focus our efforts towards the future, DRI’s library of resources and professional community are now available online.
This website allows our community to easily access all that DRI membership has to offer.
[Sign in to the DRI Innovation Resources Hub] makes it easy for you to find and connect with other members, access upcoming conferences and events, access advanced tools and technologies, and read the latest research results from industry experts.
- Access to private communities and DRI-sponsored communities on hot topics
- Distinct professional identity, through your professional profile and DRI Member badging
- Access the DRI Member Directory, a listing of all members
- Member-only searching criteria: Discover other members in your local Section/Region
- Participate in DRI Mentoring program
- Take advantage of groups by creating more groups with a larger number of participants per group
- Personalized certificate of DRI membership available for PDF download and display, refreshed annually