Educational Materials
We believe an organization’s ability to ensure the adoption of new innovations is the most important competitive differentiator today and in the future. Therefore, providing educational content, material and guidance is the first step.
In addition, our research shows that organizations that focus on building an understanding of how innovations are adopted are three times more likely to succeed in a change effort.
Diffusion Research Institute was created as a hybrid educational center to help organizations build innovation-management capabilities needed to drive change.
Our focus is on teaching organizations how to build strong leadership teams. We teach you how to achieve enterprise-wide acceptance of new innovations. And show you how to reduce the time to adoption of new ideas, concepts, technologies, methods, methods and products.
Continuous and Discontinuous Innovation
Firms can no longer choose whether to concentrate on the needs of customers today or the needs of customers tomorrow. Market leaders are excellent at both.
Marketing Intangible Products
In this educational document Theodore Levitt considers the question of how marketing intangibles differs from marketing tangibles.
Intangible products can seldom be tried out, inspected, or tested in advance. Therefore, prospective buyers are generally forces to depend on surrogates to assess what they’re likely to get.
A Roadmap For Utilities in Transition
The utility sector is in the midst of a transformation. The methods and strategies employed by the Sacramento Municipal Utility District can help utilities of all types successfully navigate this disruptive transition to a clean energy future.
An Integrated Approach to Communication Theory
This educational document focuses on the integration of theory and research in communication. It is intended to provide both seasoned scholars and beginning students with an actionable guide. This “sampler” of current theory and research in various areas of communication study is above all usable.
This chapter of the book describes the distinctive aspects of diffusion of innovations that sets it off from other specialized fields of communication study.

Educational Documentation Techniques
Fireside chat with Suzanne Smith, “Writer’s Night,”Center for Writing and Communicating Ideas, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.